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(+372) 56 011 990


Punane 18, Tallinn

Processing of personal data

Everything about a person and their being can be described as data. A person’s personal data includes, for example, his or her name, address, contact information, as well as information about his or her financial status. In addition, personal data also includes data that are by their very nature more sensitive, i.e. a special category of personal data, such as personal health data. Thus, personal data are any data which make it possible to identify an individual, directly or indirectly, irrespective of the form or format in which they are stored.
Processing of personal data is any operation performed on personal data. OÜ ReCuro processes personal data – including health data – for the purposes of providing specialised medical care, home care and medical escort services.
We process personal data when:
When storing the collected data, we follow the deadlines specified in legislation.
In order to fulfill our legal obligation, we transfer data related to the provision of health care services to other databases, which are the health information system (digilugu).
All letters sent to us are registered in the company’s document management system. Correspondence with private individuals is subject to a general access restriction because the letters contain personal data. This means that if someone wants to see an individual’s correspondence or a document, they have to make a request for information to the company. Upon receipt of a request for information, we will review whether the requested documents may be issued or may be issued in part. In case of partial issuance, we will cover the data that the applicant does not have the right to process. Possible grounds for access restrictions are set out in § 35 of the Public Information Act.
If a violation related to personal data has occurred in our company and it poses a probable threat to your rights and freedoms, we will notify the Data Protection Inspectorate of the violation. We will take steps to stop the violation immediately and prevent further violations. If a personal data breach is likely to result in a significant risk to your rights and freedoms, we will notify you immediately. The purpose of the notification is to enable you to take the necessary precautions to mitigate the situation.
You have the right to:
To do this, submit a handwritten or digitally signed application to us. Send the application by post to the address Laki tn14a / 2-305, Tallinn 10621 or digitally signed to the e-mail address: We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than within one month. We will collect the data collected about you, either on paper or electronically, according to your wishes. If we have reasonable doubts about the identity of the applicant, we may request additional information to identify the applicant.
We will refuse to grant you access if it could:
If you have any doubts about the decision made by our company’s healthcare professional, you can turn to another healthcare professional for a second opinion. For all questions related to the processing of personal data, you can contact our company’s data protection specialist at the e-mail address:
If you find that we have violated your rights during the processing of personal data, you can file a complaint with either the company’s data protection specialist or the Data Protection Inspectorate (Tatari 39, Tallinn 10134, e-mail address: The employees of OÜ ReCuro do their best to ensure your security and to comply with data protection and privacy legislation.
Nurse (mental healthcare)

Jana Aller

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